You know your a mom if.........some mommy funnies!
If your childrens favorite songs are "Silly Songs with Larry"
If you find yourself singing to "Silly Songs with Larry" are the one for me.......I'll take you to the Ball......I hope your not to tall! That will be stuck in my head all day now so sing with me........
If you can recite Bob the Builder episodes with your kids
If you change more diapers than channels
If you have 7 pets, one for each kid and one extra for good measure
If you wish you never had carpets in your house
If your meals are a major production and company is really nodifferent
If your pots and pans are considered small if they are less than 2gallon capacity
If you wish milk came by the 5 gallon bucket with a pour spout and eggs by the 10 dozen box
If you wish you had a washing machine that would hold about 3 loadsworth of laundry at one time and a huge dryer that would make thelaundromat swoon with envy
If you have crayons by the gallon can
If you store all your flour, sugar, ect. in 5 gallon buckets stackedin your kitchen
If you have tubs of baby clothes and blankets for that "just in case"
If you have no idea when you last slept through the whole entire night
If you have at least one child in your bed at 5 in the morning and have no idea when he came in without waking you up
If you think the crayon on the walls is cute but you can't tellJunior that or he will decorate all your walls for you
If you have a ghost in your house who makes the messes because of course no one knows who made that mess
If you have shoes all over the house and none of them actually fitanybody
If you put all the toys away only to look behind you and they are outalready in almost the same place
If you have dog food spread all over your front porch and the chickens are eating it
If those chickens are pets also and have names too but are not included in the original 7 pet count
If your kids teach their ponies to walk up stairs to your front porch also and that pony is also not included in the original 7 pet count along with the chickens
If the kids would rather clean the barn than their rooms
And last but not least.......If you are in town or at a BBQ or whatever, and you hear some child yell "Mom" you turn and say "What?" even if it is not your kid!!!!!!!
I hope you had a good laugh today
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